The Manx Family History Website

There is an excellent website for persons interested in the Skaggs family history called Manx Family History.  It has a lot of great information about the various Skaggs family lines based on DNA testing.  For example, the Old Peter Skaggs line is described here.  Other Skaggs lines are shown below the fold.

Old Peter Skaggs - the main topic of this blog including the singer Ricky Skaggs

The Long Hunters - famous Skaggs family of frontiersmen including Henry the Long Hunter

Aaron Skaggs - the line descended from Aaron including "Hunter" Henry Skaggs

Charles and Mary Skaggs - the line that includes singer Boz Scaggs and the Safeway Skaggs

James and Susanna Scaggs - includes "Brother Skaggs" the gambler

William and Esther Skaggs - a creek in Virginia is named after Esther Skaggs

John Skaggs - a pioneer family of Ohio sod-busters originally from Maryland

There are a lot of interesting stories and evidence gathered at this website and it is must reading for Skaggs researchers and interesting reading for Skaggs relatives.  The Skaggs DNA project continues and if you are a Skaggs male interested in participating (or know one) please contact Chris Keig for next steps.

1 comment:

  1. This is an amazing website. So.....much to take in and study. Thanks so much Chris and others for all the wonderful genealogical/DNA hard work. Most impressive and definitely needed. Thanks again.....


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