Name that Skaggs: The Man in the Middle

A correspondent sent in a picture of a Skaggs family c. 1927.  Can you name the family patriarch in the middle of the picture?

Another clue is he was born in Johnson County, Kentucky, but the family moved to Scioto County, Ohio.  The answer is below the fold.

August 2015: Who was Old Peter Skaggs?

Do we know more about Old Peter Skaggs than we knew just a few years ago?  I think so, but still not as much as we should know given how much research has been done:  digitizing of public records, sharing of family history on the Internet, DNA testing, etc.  Still, we have some accomplishments to celebrate:
Now for the interesting part...

Rachel Moredock: A Myth from Mistaken Identity

Rachel Skaggs, the mother of the Longhunters and wife of James Skaggs has been considered by many Skaggs researchers over the years to have had the maiden name Moredock.  Some researchers have questioned whether Rachel Moredock existed and I now believe that Rachel Skaggs' maiden name was accepted as Moredock in a case of mistaken identity.

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