Peter's Montgomery County, Virginia Years

Peter Scaggs was married in Montgomery County, Virginia in 1788.  To my knowledge, that is the first historical record of Peter.  But there are other subsequent records of him in Montgomery County:

1788 Tax List
December 19, 1788, List A, Peter Skeggs a white male 21+, 2 horses, mares, colts or mules

1789 Tax List
1789 Peter Skeggs, 0-0-0 Personal Property Tax List "C" for Montgomery 
County VA, March 1, 1789
® "Montgomery County Virginia Circa 1790" pg. 41 by Netti Schreiner-Yantis

1790 Tax List
1790 Mar. 1, List C, Peter Scaggs located, Peak River, Dunkard Bottom, south side of Little River, New River head of Strouds Branch. Peter Skeggs was taxed March 8, 1790, no males between 16-21, no slaves, and no livestock in the area of both sides of Little River, Dry Branch, Sugar Run, South Fork and West Fork of Little River, Meadow and Mill Creeks, Dunkard Bottom or Mahanaim.

1792 Tax List
September 29, 1792, List B, Peter Skaggs a white male 21+, no horses, mares, colts or mules


  1. Does the 1792 Tax List B for Peter Skaggs in Montgomery Co. identify (like 1790 tax list) the name of creeks, rivers and tributaries that Peter lived on and the names of his neighbors ?

    1. The only 1792 tax list I've seen was the Binn's index. An original tax list B must be out there though since that's where the index would have come from and it would likely be similar to the 1790 one.

  2. Thanks. Searching for it......

    1. Good luck. Worst case, Library of Virginia has it on film.


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