Calling all Skaggs! Volunteers needed!

There is news from our cousins on the Isle of Man. Chris Keig is starting a project to test whether we are descendants of the Viking kings who ruled the Isle of Man over 800 years ago and he needs our help.
Chris has been getting local volunteers for the DNA testing needed from the Keig, Oates, Cain, Cormode, Curphey and Cretney families. You can see his local recruiting video on Manx TV here. Have a look at the video, it gives a lot of  background about the Manx kings and the goals of the project. You can see on the video at the 6:04 mark that the Skaggs are thought to be descendants of these Viking kings. That's why we are needed. Americans have the Skaggs DNA that hopefully will tie back to the Manx kings, and lots of it.

Chris needs men with the Skaggs, Scaggs, Skeggs, Skeigs, Skags, Scags or Skegs last name to volunteer to take a DNA test. You just swab the inside of your cheek with a q-tip and send it to a company in Texas, Family Tree DNA, for analysis. Remember, he needs men only, since the DNA is passed father to son. So you ladies who are interested go round up your fathers, brothers and sons with these Skaggs last names and contact Chris here to get started. Chris has all the details and is happy to answer any questions you may have.

Finally, you can participate without swabbing your cheek. Donations to support the testing project can be made at the Family Tree DNA link here. Also, if you live in an area where there are a lot of Skaggs, contact your local newspaper and point them to Chris's video or this blog. Off the top of my head I'm thinking Nashville, Louisville, Lexington, Huntington, Salt Lake City and Columbus, Ohio.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not a Skaggs, but my mother was. I sent the Manx TV video that is on Youtube to my cousins and to several newspapers where I know Skaggs live.


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